Top 10 Ways on How to Make Money with Blogs and Other Online Opportunities

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Writing is now a legitimate job online. There are writers who are currently making pieces for websites or magazines with an online aspect. At the same time, there are bulk writers that deal with different forms of SEO and create content for websites. There’s money to be had when it comes down to blogging and writing online, however, there are some methods that are vastly more efficient than others and on top of that, there are also several methods which can be exploited to make that money. The thing here is that you just have to know about the methods on how to make money with blogs and other online opportinities.

10. Money Widgets

10. Money Widgets

There has always been money in advertising. It’s been used for centuries but now it has been refined so that a single click or view produces money. Of course, few views don’t attract much cash, so money widgets have to be coupled with a few more techniques which can be used to enhance the advertising widget. Basically, this method simply sticks a little advert on the corners of your site which are then viewed by your readers.

9. Parked Domain Websites

9. Parked Domain Websites

Yet another means to make cash through ads is parked domains. This means requires you to buy a few domain names, but instead of using them for actual content, you allow them to be exploited by different websites for redirection or ad work. It won’t produce much cash, but it will give you enough to supplement other means and methods.

8. Paid Surveys

8. Paid Surveys

This method might be a little alienating for some users, but it is guaranteed to make you cash. In this tip, you’ll have to allow a few companies to take advantage of your site by letting them make surveys and posting them for users to answer before being allowed to enter the website. It’s a bit of a backhanded method, but it can increase your exposure.

7. Sponsored Reviews

7. Sponsored Reviews

While this method is strictly reserved for more prominent internet personalities, it’s still a great method to make cash. It doesn’t require to you make ads or stick them in your content. Instead, you are simply paid to make a review of a product, and often, if you find the right company, you’ll be paid quite a good amount. This will also jump start your notoriety as you name will be included in the review instead of remaining unnamed.

6. CPM (Cost Per Thousand)

6. CPM (Cost Per Thousand)

CPM is another method that needs a lot of views in order to be efficient. You see, this method concentrates solely on how many times ads are viewed in a site within a day. Your revenue is heavily based on this, so companies that seek out high traffic sites are great places to appeal to if you already have a huge following. For a smaller blog, this means would be better used with the next tip.

5. SEO

SEO Perfect Company

Search engine optimization, when used properly and thoroughly, is the method to get on the map. SEO can be used in a variety of ways, some of which require very little effort, while others need to be integrated into the code of your website. Basically, it takes a few keywords from your site and compares them to other websites. When you gain enough followers, you can slowly start creeping up to the very first page of the search engine.

4. PPC (Pay Per Click)

4. PPC (Pay Per Click)

This is another beginner blogger’s tool that might be a little more efficient than it should be. It functions much like affiliate marketing in that clicks and views factor into how much revenue you gain from this method. Instead of linking directly to the product you’re talking about, it is instead dependant on how many people click the ad on your site.

3. Premium Content from your Host Site

3. Premium Content from your Host Site

Have you ever heard the saying “in order to make money, you’ll have to spend it”? If you haven’t then the gist of this method is to spend some of your cash in order to get your hands on better content for your website. These will include better SEO tools and even better website designs which increase traffic to your website.

2. Donations

2. Donations

Eventually, when you have a better following than when you started, it might be time to add on your Donation button. It can be a cheap ploy, but at the end of it, the button will get you a lot more money than you think. If you don’t feel right accepting money from strangers, then maybe you can use this button to donate to actual charities as opposed to accepting all the money for yourself. At the end of it, this simple button can be a great method to make that passive income you need to keep your blog afloat.

1. Affiliate Marketing

1. Affiliate Marketing

There is no way that is more efficient than that of affiliate marketing. This means can link up a lot of your content, whether you do a video or a written one, to an actual merchant websites. While it can be tricky to use this without sounding like a salesman, it is worth it if you manage to find the balance between advertising and linking. The best example of the use of affiliate marketing would probably be gaming blogs and how they segue from reviews to a link that leads to a merchant website that sells the game.


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